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  • What should I do in an emergency?
    Please note that Moore Psychology does not provide emergency services. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week support. Other helpline options include: Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Headspace on 1800 650 890 ReachOut at MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 774 Head to Health at
  • What are your qualifications and recent professional development activities?
    Degrees 2007 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Monmouth College, United States 2011 Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) Psychology, University of Adelaide, South Australia 2013 Graduate Diploma in Education, University of Adelaide 2024 Master of Clinical Psychology (Post Registration), The Cairnmillar Institute Professional Development 2015 Completion of the National Psychology Examination 2016 Completion of the “4+2” Psychology Program (3,900+ hours), Department for Education, South Australia 2017 Registered Autism Diagnostician, Autism SA 2019 Psychology Board-Approved Supervisor for Psychologists 2024 Masterclass - Ethics, Law & Professional Issues in Supervision: Contemporary Best Practice 2024 Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) Introductory Workshop (40 hours), Therapist Training
  • How do telehealth psychological sessions work?
    Telehealth psychological services, telepsychology, virtual psychology, and remote psychological sessions all mean the same thing. These mean working with a registered psychologist via a virtual platform. The services can include video, phone and/or text based sessions. This service prioritises video sessions, but please reach out if you'd like to discuss phone or text-based sessions. For general telehealth sessions, clients will need access to: - a private, quiet location - a computer/laptop/phone screen - camera (in-built or separate webcam) - speakers/microphone as a minimum - headphones are highly recommended for maintaining privacy For assessment telehealth sessions, clients will need access to: - a private, quiet location - a computer/laptop screen measuring at least 25 cm (9.7 inches) diagonal - webcam (in-built or separate) - speakers/microphone as a minimum - headphones are highly recommended for maintaining privacy and clear audio - a mouse or trackpad This practice uses a secure video platform that is end-to-end encrypted. Try this pre-test call. Coviu is HIPAA and ST4S compliant, ISO 27001 Certified and data end-to-end encrypted.
  • What are your fees?
    This practice charges $245 for a 46-60 minute session. A standard video consultation session is about 50 minutes. Report writing, telephone consultations, psychological assessment, case conferences, court attendance/legal proceedings, supervision, and clinical file review for subpoena or other reasonable purposes are all charged at the above rate. You can view the recommended fees ($315 per 40 to 60-minute consultation), published by the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi) here.
  • Do I need a referral?
    You don’t need a referral to access a psychologist. The cost for these sessions is at the full fee with no rebate available per session. Your private health insurance provider may offer relevant benefits.
  • How does a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) work?
    A Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) allows you to receive psychological treatment with Medicare rebates under the Australian Government's Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative. Approved conditions for MHCP Access: adjustment disorder ADHD bereavement disorder chronic fatigue depression generalised anxiety disorder enuresis mental disorder, not otherwise specified panic disorder, PTSD And others How to get an MHCP: Visit Your GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician: Schedule an appointment for a mental health assessment. Assessment: During the appointment, your doctor will assess your mental health. If a GP is the referring practitioner they will prepare a Mental Health Treatment Plan before referring you to a psychologist. Please book a longer appointment with you GP for this purpose. MHCP Creation: If appropriate, your doctor will create a Mental Health Care Plan for you. Benefits of a MHCP Rebates: You can receive a rebate of approximately $96.65 per session at our practice. Out-of-Pocket Costs: The out-of-pocket cost is approximately $148.35 per session. Telehealth Sessions: Up to 10 Telehealth sessions per calendar year are rebateable through Medicare. Follow-Up Requirements Initial Visit: You must visit your GP before starting sessions with a psychologist. Review Visits: You need to see your GP again after the 6th and 10th sessions. Better Access to Mental Health Care: Medicare funded services
  • What is the pricing for assessments?
    Assessments vary in cost depending on the complexity and unique referral questions you would like answered. Assessment components are charged at our hourly rate. After an intake session, during which we discuss the questions you would like answered by the assessment process, a detailed quote will be drawn up. Please note that pricing for assessments is structured and rebated differently than for MHCPs. Please send a query to further discuss. This page has more information about the Medicare items for Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and eligible disabilities, which may be applicable for people aged up to 24 years and 11 months.
  • Are there rebates available for assessment and treatment of ADHD, autism, intellectual developmental disorder, and other learning disabilities?
    Yes, there are Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rebates available for people under the age of 25, for the assessment and treatment of what Medicare calls "complex neurodevelopmental conditions", as well as additional eligible disabilities. Rebates: You can receive a rebate of approximately $96.65 per session at our practice. Out-of-Pocket Costs: The out-of-pocket cost is $148.35 per session. Referral Requirements: For autism, ADHD, intellectual developmental disorder, and learning disabilities, you need a valid referral from a paediatrician or psychiatrist to access these rebates. Please Note: We align with the neurodiversity affirming paradigm and do not believe that neurotypes need to be "treated." However, we use the term "treatment sessions" here to align with Medicare language and facilitate referrals. For further information please see: Services Australia: Medicare items for Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Eligible Disabilities MBS Flow Chart for Neurodevelopmental Conditions: Nov 2023 MBS Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders and eligible disabilities Factsheet AAPi Medicare Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder and Eligible Disability Guide, 2023. Checking Eligibility: MBS items online checker in HPOS
  • Do you provide supervision to other psychologists?
    I sure do. I completed my supervisor training program through Clinical Supervision Services, and I have been a board-approved supervisor since December of 2019. I can supervise the following types of psychologists and provisional psychologists: those completing the 4+2 or 5+1 internship programs those completing placements during an accredited higher degree program those working in addition to higher degree programs those seeking a secondary supervisor in a registrar program overseas-qualified psychologists in an approved-transitional program psychologists who just want supervision or peer-consultation, as we all do at times in order to meet our registration requirements and ethical responsibilities Please note, I do not supervise psychologists who require principal supervision as part of a registrar program.
  • Do you have any peer-reviewed publications?
    Yes, during my honours research at the University of Adelaide in 2011, I developed a 4-session curriculum designed to enhance middle school boys' attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. This curriculum featured guest speakers with lived experience of disability, including individuals with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympians, and Paralympians. It also included the screening of "Including Samuel," an award-winning documentary on inclusive education. The positive and significant impact of this educational program on the students' perceptions was published in the Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability in 2013. It has been referenced approximately 43 times, according ResearchGate. Moore, D., & Nettelbeck, T. (2013). Effects of short-term disability awareness training on attitudes of adolescent schoolboys toward persons with a disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2013.790532
  • What types of presentations have you delivered?
    Telehealth: Equity and Access. Current Research, Validity, and Practices in Telepsychology. Assessment and Diagnosis of Dyslexia. Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders in Children: Information and Strategies.
  • What are your professional memberships?
    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Australian Association of Psychologists Inc. (AAPi) Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBa)
  • What does an assessment of giftedness entail?
    I will select a specific intelligence assessment instrument based on client age. I can currently conduct cognitive assessments on clients aged 6 years and 0 months through to 90 years and 11 months. It's best if clients and parents do not "read up" about the assessments beforehand. You will obtain your most accurate results simply by interacting with the testing materials for the first time in our sessions together. If a person has had a previous cognitive assessment, please share this information with me. Firstly, we want to ensure that the past assessment hasn't been conducted too recently, and secondly, we want to be able to compare the last assessment results with the current results to see if there have been any changes. Identifying giftedness is not as simple as measuring a singular IQ score; a range of information is collected. The individual components of giftedness assessment can include: clinical interviewing, cognitive assessment, background information gathering and previous report reading, report writing, and feedback sessions. These components are charged at my hourly rate. Assessments vary in cost depending on the complexity and unique referral questions you would like answered. Giftedness sometimes occurs alongside dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism, and other forms of neurodiversity. If you would like an assessment that answers multiple questions about yourself or your child, this can be negotiated.
  • What are your cancellation, no-show, and payment policies?
    - We require at least 48 hours' notice if you need to cancel your appointment. This allows us to offer the time slot to other clients and maintain efficient scheduling. - Providing adequate notice helps us maximise availability for all clients and minimises lost clinical time. Short-notice cancellations often prevent us from offering the slot to someone on our waiting list who might need more time to rearrange their schedule. The fees for cancellations are as follows: - Less than 24 hours notice: the full session fee. - Between 24 to 48 hours notice: up to 50% of the session fee. - If you arrive late to your appointment, please be aware that your appointment will still end at the scheduled time to avoid delays for other clients, and the full fee for the session will be charged. - Many insurance policies and Third-Party funders do not cover fees for late cancellations or missed appointments. These fees are your responsibility. While the NDIS may cover some cancellation fees, there are limitations to this coverage. - If you provide a mobile number or email address, we may send you a reminder message before your appointment. Please confirm your appointment by replying to the reminder or by emailing us at - If you are more than 15 minutes late without notifying us, it will be considered a no-show (late cancellation). The psychologist may no longer be available, and the full fee for a late cancellation within 24 hours may be charged. - Full payment is due within seven (7) calendar days following the date of service, inclusive of cancellation fees. - If payment remains outstanding after seven days, the account will be considered overdue, and a $30 administrative fee may be added to the overdue amount. - No future sessions will be scheduled, and existing bookings will not be honoured until all outstanding fees are paid in full. - Your cooperation with our policy allows us to maintain a high standard of service and ensures that we can be considerate of the needs of all our clients, helping us provide timely psychological care. This policy is in place to respect the time of our clinicians and the needs of all clients seeking our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

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