Offering Telehealth Anywhere in Australia
ADHD Assessments
I will assess ADHD in those aged 7 through to adulthood. The components of ADHD assessments vary based on the age of the person.
My ADHD assessment process typically includes questionnaires for home and school asking about behaviours, wellbeing, mental health, and adaptive functioning. Client and family will also participate in interviewing and interactions via telepsychology. If we need to investigate the possibility of a co-occurring learning difficulty, or rule one out, we can add in cognitive or academic assessments as needed.
The costs associated with an ADHD assessment vary depending on which assessment elements we need to complete to answer your questions fully. Payment is required at various stages along the way and there is, unfortunately, no related Medicare reimbursement at this time.
Please note: Although an ADHD assessment with a psychologist can be quite comprehensive and affirming, they will not enable direct access to medications. If you are interested in trialling ADHD medication, my recommendation would be to consider seeing your GP for a referral to either a paediatrician or a psychiatrist who may then do the ADHD assessment and trial medications (if appropriate.)